Capitalism and America' roots are founded on White Supremacy . So ,the very government legislators and citizens whom benefited generationally from treating Africans and other people like we wasn't human are continuing to protect their own best interest earned from the back of genocide and slavery .
We see it still perpetuated in the media . Xenophobia , racism , favoritism and nepotism. Border Patrol Agents on horseback using long horse reins as whips against Haitian illegal aliens attempting and crossing back and forth ( for provisions & entry ) into the United States .
They cleared that border crossing quick as hell because of darker pigment of the Haitians skin !
This brought back up visions of overseers , slave masters , Ku Klux Klan and Industrial prison complex work camp guards on horseback whipping Black People like we wasn't human .
My entire lifetime unfortunately a white person of any age could cross paths with me and say the most bizarre thing out their mouths to make me see how I was viewed as less than human .
Example ; I'm in a Mason City , Iowa store and a young white child runs up to me saying , " I know you . You're the bad guy ! " Or even the false accusation that I am erroneously imprisoned for .
Even colleges teaching from hate to tolerance ! Genocide , slavery, placing in ghetto ( segregation ) and desegregation.
Without equality people continued to be treated like they are not human .
My equality , freedom and humanity has great value to me . People in society continue to treat me as if I'm not human and I believe its still due the roots of this nations sinful founding and global White Supremacist actions .
The reason my freedom is insignificant to others is it's so easy to view me as in a zoo, on exhibit and a beast in a cage !
Now, let's look at other harsh realities .
My Jewish and Chinese supporters historically and recently have been treated like they wasn't human also.
Rounded up for Crystal Nacht ( Glass Night ) in Germany , my Jewish allies ancestors were placed in ghettos , stripped of capital resources of businesses they owned , human dignity , separated from wives , husbands and children . Forced into hunger concentration camps for forced labor to eventually escape or by mass millions (6) to be killed by genocidal maniacs !
The Anti Asian brutality that occurred recently in America just brings me so much shame, when I witnessed a Black Man mimicking white men in violence against elderly Asians .
We are better than that !
Regardless of the emotional struggles white people may experience over Critical Race Theory being taught universally in schools . Why afford evil players to white wash history ? The truth must be preserved !
By treating us as if we weren't human is how white supremacy and capitalism maintains its position of power and daily colonizers children reap the privileges that come from it !
Very few rural Wisconsin guards view me as human .Do you believe I'm inhumane or human ?
Have you ever been treated like you wasn't human ?
Non governmental organizations and individuals are encouraged to write to : James Terry II 373986 , WSPF POB 1000, Boscobel , WI. 53805 USA